Exchanges & Returns
As per our Terms of Purchase, you have the option to return your Baud product within 14 days. To initiate a return, kindly contact our Customer Support Team during our business hours.
Our dedicated Customer Support Team is based in Europe, and you can reach us during the below hours.
Central European Time (CET/GMT)
Monday - Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
If you have received a faulty item or the wrong size, color, or product, the return/exchange will be free of charge. To initiate a claim, kindly contact our Customer Support Team during our business hours.
Uncollected Items
If an order is abandoned and not imported according to shipping terms for orders outside the EU, an additional fee of $50 USD / £40 GBP will be charged upon return.
If an order is abandoned when ordering within Sweden or the EU, an additional fee of 130 SEK / €15 EUR will be charged upon return.
Return Shipping Costs
- Sweden: 99 SEK
- EU and other European countries (except Russia and Ukraine): €9.99
- USA: $20
- Canada: $20
- China: $20
- United Arab Emirates: $20
- Egypt: $20
Please Note: Import duties and taxes are not included in the prices displayed and will be charged separately by the courier.